We realize that in the process of making knowledge, it is often required education stage to be able to apply an understanding of a concept. Therefore we also provide support for educational purposes within the concepts of optical and photonics.
For that reason we provide some products for the purpose of education in  understanding of physics concepts on optics and photonics.

Dedicated Photonics Educational Kit

Photonik Ingenierburo Dr. Walter Luhs

In 1990 Dr. Walter Luhs created the idea of experimental laser for the education of students at universities and related educational bodies. The picture on the left shows the vintage picture of the first Nd:YAG experimental laser of 1991. In a short time an open frame Helium Neon laser followed and a few experiments related to fibre optics.

In 1991 Mukul Goyal of the Indian company ALKAAD acquired the exclusive sales right for India.

From that time on a trustworthy joint manufacturing grew, which finds its culmination in the issue of this catalogue with more than 40 exciting experiments as a result of technical proficiency and market feedback.

They combine the strength of cultures and scientific gifts of our nations to serve in the field of practical education in Photonics and Laser technology worldwide. We develop, produce and market our products in Germany.

Optics Experiments

Optical Experiment Module

Optical experiment modules cover the following topics :

PE-0100 Double Refraction of Light
PE-0200 Polarisation of Light
PE-0300 Reflection and Transmission
PE-0400 Diffraction of light
PE-0500 Interference of Light
PE-0600 Optical Interferometer
PE-0700 Abbe Refractometer
PE-0800 Holography
PE-0900 Diffraction Grating
PE-1000 Camera and Imaging
PE-1100 LED and Diodelaser
PE-1300 Radio-and Photometry of Light
PE-1400 Spectrometer
PE-1500 Ruby Excited Lifetime & Spectroscopy
PE-1600 Iodine Molecular Spectroscopy
PE-1800 Planck’s Law

Laser Experiments

The laser experiment modules covers the following topics :

LE-0100 Emission and Absorption
LE-0200 Ruby Laser
LE-0300 Helium Neon Laser
LE-0400 Diodelaser
LE-0500 Pulsed Diode Laser
LE-0600 Diode pumped Nd:YAG Laser
LE-0700 “Green” SHG with Diode pumped Nd:YAG Laser
LE-0710 “Green” 532 nm SHG extension
LE-0720 “Red 660 nm” SHG Extension
LE-0800 Generation of Q-Switch Laser Pulses
LE-0900 Diode pumped Nd:YVO4 Micro Laser
LE-1000 Blue Diode pumped Pr:YLF Laser
LE-1200 Erbium doped Fibre Laser
LE-1300 Iodine Raman Laser

Laser Application Experiments

The laser application experiment module covers the following topics :

LM-0100 Michelson Interferometer
LM-0120 Technical Interferometer Add-on
LM-0140 CNC Calibration Extension
LM-0200 Zeeman Laser Frequency Stabilisation
LM-0300 Fabry Perot Spectral Analyser
LM-0400 Laser Range Finder
LM-0500 Laser Doppler Anemometer (LDA)
LM-0600 Laser Gyroscope
LM-0700 Laser Safety
LM-0800 Barcode Reader

Laser Telecommunications

Laser telecommunication experiment module covers the following topics :

LT-0100 Plastic Optical Fibre (POF)
LT-0200 Glass Fibre Optics
LT-0300 Erbium doped Fibre Amplifier (EDFA)
LT-0400 Optical Time Domain Reflectometer
LT-0500 Video and Audio Transmission
LT-0600 Fibre Optics Workshop Basic

Spectroscopy Educational Kit

Ocean Insight Spectroscopy for Education

The Education Division of Ocean Insight delivers premier, world-class curricula for teach spectroscopy in your science lab. Combined with state of the art instrumentation and training workshops, Dr. Q and Ocean Optics bring excitement and creativity back into your classroom.




Our Educational Spectrometers are low-cost, reliable tools for teaching the science of spectroscopy
A full library of spectroscopy educational materials for students and educators
Product, curricula and more – to get your teaching lab up and running

Newport Project in Optics

Project in Optics

The Projects in Optics education kit is a hands on, self-paced tool for both teaching and learning the fundamentals of optics and photonics. Suitable as a stand alone course or as supplemental material for other optics courses, this set is composed of ten projects, each designed to explain, and provide a tangible understanding of, a fundamental topic in optics.

  • Ten hands-on projects cover the fundamental principles of optics
  • Informative workbook include complete and concise study guide
  • Simple, structured, modular format covers the full range of optical phenomena progressively
  • Each kit contains all the necessary parts for each project, including a breadboard

All Kits Include a Detailed Workbook and Study Guide

With the assistance of Prof. Donald C. O’Shea, of Georgia Institute of Technology’s School of Physics, Newport’s Technical Staff developed the Projects in Optics education kit to provide understanding and experience of the fundamental and necessary concepts needed by those working in optics and/or photonics fields. Each kit is accompanied by an informative workbook/study-guide containing an introductory tutorial of basic optics concepts (this is paraphrasing from what is mentioned on the current site, but such an introduction isn’t listed in the set of projects so I can’t be sure this is accurate) and clearly written discussions of the fundamental principles related to each project. For each project there are also step-by-step instructions to set up and engage with the demonstrative activity, allowing students to build confidence, understanding, and competence with the relevant principles. Additional workbooks are available for individual purchase.

All Necessary Parts for Each Project is Included

All the necessary equipment, with a choice to include the HeNe laser, is included with each kit. This includes optical components, mounts and positioners, and all necessary hardware for mounting to the breadboard, also included in the kit. These are specially packaged in a wooden storage case and designed to be for many generations of students.

Project 1 – Laws of Geometrical Optics

Verifies the laws of the reflection and refraction and familiarizes the student with the various components in the kits.

Project 2 – Thin Lens Equation

Experimentally verifies the “thin lens equation” with measurements of image and object locations to calculate the focal length.

Project 3 – Expanding Laser Beams

Demonstrates the design of two types of laser beam expanders and explores the differences between them.

Project 4 – Diffraction of Circular Apertures

Study and measure the diffraction effects of circular apertures. Learn how the diameter of the aperture determines the resolving power of all optical instruments.

Project 5 – Single Slit Diffraction and Double Slit Interference

Continue to explore the wave theory of light and observe diffraction using rectangular slits as well as the phenomena of interference of two nearby sources.

Project 6 – The Michelson Interferometer

Construct an interferometer and observe the interference pattern (fringes); use the interferometer to measure aberrations in an optic, and displacements (included thermally and mechanically) on the order of a wavelength of light.

Project 7 – Lasers and Coherence

Learn what makes a laser unique as a light source. Study the phenomenon known as coherence length and experimentally determine the spatial mode characteristics of a HeNe laser.

Project 8 – Polarization of Light

Explore the laws of Malus and Brewster; construct a linear polarizer/analyzer to prove the law of Malus; find the angle where minimum reflection of linear polarized light occurs (Brewster’s Angle).

Project 9 – Birefringence of Materials

Observe the characteristics of birefringent materials by building a simple optical isolator similar to those used in high-power laser designs.

Project 10 – The Abbe Theory of Light

Learn about the spatial frequency content in the formation of images and how it could be used to control the shape and quality of an image. Build a setup which examines how selectively removing some of the spatial frequencies can modify images.



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